
Wel­come to the Biso Con­sult­ing blog. Here, our experts share the lat­est trends, inno­va­tions, and best prac­tices in hygiene and safe­ty, indus­tri­al safe­ty, and civ­il pro­tec­tion. Stay informed with our arti­cles and dis­cov­er how we can help you pro­tect and grow your busi­ness with inno­v­a­tive and effec­tive solu­tions.

Progress in Telework Regulation homeoffice

Progress in Telework Regulation homeoffice

The Mex­i­can Offi­cial Stan­dard NOM-037, reg­u­lat­ing tele­work, will soon come into effect, rep­re­sent­ing sig­nif­i­cant progress in work­er safe­ty and rights. This stan­dard guar­an­tees social, phys­i­cal secu­ri­ty, and the right to dis­con­nect. Ernesto Sánchez, a UAS spe­cial­ist,…

Implementation of NOM-036

Implementation of NOM-036

Start­ing March 31, 2024, NOM-036–1‑STPS-2018 will come into effect after a five-year exten­sion due to the glob­al health emer­gency. This stan­dard aims to pre­vent ergonom­ic risks in man­u­al load han­dling, improv­ing work­ers’ safe­ty and health in Mex­i­co. Com­pa­nies must…

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